Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What do you eat and what not to eat?

What do you eat and what not to eat?Coffee frequently makes it a weapon lethal as it makes them lose their significance as an alarm, and leads dealt heavily to the lack of body calcium, so it must be the multiplication of eating milk and yogurt if you insist on drinking coffee, and so you get the biggest benefit try a glass of milk before bedtime , that it makes the body benefit from calcium significantly, also frequent stimuli severely affect the nerves and skin, so more than eating fresh lettuce leaves until thee Hdak returns psychIf you smoke and can not abstain, be sure to start your day with a spoon of olive oil plus drops of lemon juice, ten minutes later a cup of milk without any additions, then wait a quarter of an hour before dealing with anything elseIf you rely entirely on canned That makes the body lacks vitamin C for it to be lemon juice and orangeIf you do a lot of eating chocolate and sweets These foods secrete serotonin, which gives a sense of optimism links the rights of these materials and that feeling and excessive sugar, so you increased intake of fruits and vegetables, may be excessive sugars as a result of a physiological as suffering from a lack of certain vitamins and minerals , so interested in foods that are rich in vitamin B, such as broccoli, spinach and lettuce and also rich foods BalmagnseyoumIf you rely too much on fast food ready because it increases the chance presence of cholesterol and qualify you for many problems, it must be dealt with power, fresh vegetables or a few raisins That would purifies your blood as these takeaway where there saturated fat frequently causing acidity blood she can tensions and increasing degrees of motivation you have frequent headaches, comes vegetables and raisins to restore blood to Gulwath required Faihtfez calcium and return to calm nervesIf you refrain from fat completely and this is wrong because some fat is very important for the body where the body can not without the absorption of vitamins soluble in fat

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