Many of us insist on remembering all hours of the night and sleep during the day and the errors that we commit against ourselves
Sleeping the night of the most important secrets of health, vitality and feed the brain so that it continue its work during the day more efficient and more active
Has God created our bodies and the creation of a nature of its own, if Hawana can go reversible lost a lot of secrets, At the beginning of the night for example, the body begins in the secretion of melatonin, this article that will help you sleep, if we tried at this time to force ourselves to continue to work, it means we are losing time to rest the body, that rest, which qualifies him to become a more effective and active
Sleeping at night helps improve memory, and that getting enough hours of sleep makes the chance of occurrence of dreams, those dreams which are recharged to the brain, just as re-charge the battery for the car going
The hours of adequate sleep at night the body works during the renewal of the skin and muscle building and strengthen the body's immunity and modulate blood pressure and raise the degree of lookout during wakefulness, sleep at night also easing the nerves and makes a man wiser in dealing with the things of his life and is commonly happiness often in self that have been washed completely during sleep.